オンライン学習プラットフォーム mana.think@ マナシンカ


About the Teacher Management Screen

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Teacher Management Screen

Teacher Management Screen Functions

■The teacher management screen allows the following to be performed on the learning status of students and learners (solvers)
Progress Management, Assessment Assistance, Analysis Functions, Assignment Management (homework settings, question group publishing settings), Feedback, Messages, Question Creation, Installation Setup.
For more information, please click here.

In addition, Assignment Management can be linked with Google Classroom's notification function.
This link allows you to notify class members which questions have been assigned to them.
[How to link with Google Classroom]
Set up and save the assignment with a new submission deadline in the Release date and submission deadline settings in the Assignment Management.
Click on the "Notify new assignments in Google Classroom" button that appears in the upper right corner of the screen.
A Google account choice screen will pop up.
Log in with your account and link it to the app.
At this time, the app will be granted access to the following information.
 ・View and manage announcements in Google Classroom
 ・See, edit, create, and permanently delete your Google Classroom classes
Set and post the class, announcement text, date and time for the announcement to be displayed on the app screen.
A list of links to the posted classes will appear on the app screen.
Access the class page to confirm that the announcement has been saved or posted correctly.
(Note that this service uses SSL for your security.)


About mana.think@
mana.think@ Services
mana.think@ Functions
